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Commonwealth Fund

Series 4 contains annual reports from 1919-2002. A complete run of bound reports is available in the RAC Library. Individual soft cover reports are available in the archival collection. The Annual Report for 1986 is not available in the archival collection, but it is accessible in the RAC Library. Series 4 also contains a small selection of other reports and pamphlets spanning the mid-1980's through 1994.

Commonwealth Fund

An outgrowth of the Commonwealth Fund's relief activities in Eastern and Central Europe after World War I, the Austrian Program provided vital help in improving the health of children in Austria. From 1923 until 1929 the CF maintained an office in Vienna, and conducted a program of health and preventive medicine for children. Child health demonstrations were conducted in Salzburg, and similar activities transpired in Vienna, Klagenfurt, Graz, and elsewhere.

Commonwealth Fund

The Commonwealth Fund announced its Child Health Program on June 29, 1922. The goals of the five year program were "safe-guarding the health of the mother-to-be, laying a good health foundation for children in the early sensitive and formative period of their growth and health supervision and the formation of the essential health habits in school children." The responsibility for the conduct of the demonstrations rested with the American Child Health Association, which had been recently formed through the merger of the American Child Hygiene Association and the Child Health Organization of America. The Child Health Demonstration Committee of the Commonwealth Fund oversaw the program, with Barry C. Smith chairman and Courtenay Dinwiddie executive director. Other notable participants in the program include Philip Van Ingen, Richard A. Bolt, L. Emmett Holt, Sally Lucas Jean, Livingston Farrand, Donald B. Armstrong, and Barbara S. Quin.